Entries in stress (5)


Savasana: the oldest, newest antidote for depression.

As if we weren't stressed enough, here's one you probably could have guessed:

it turns out that stress can turn into major depression.

Once again, science imitates Savasana: your relaxation has become a matter of life or stress.

According to this Wall Street Journal article, Stress Starts Up The Machinery of Major Depression

According to ancient yoga, nothing is more life giving than Corpse Pose (Savasana). As I told three student who were lying in Savasana on and off during class last night, there is no such thing as "a pose off:" Savasana IS a pose. As it turns out, perhaps the most valuable one of all.


Is your scarcity all in your mind?

Do we suffer from a lack of resources....or lack of imagination?

This beautiful article in the Wall Street Journal echoes what I have always believed in my heart: there is more than enough everything to go around - time, money, clean air, pure water, health, happiness and more.  Furthermore there is no choice - because things are always expanding. 

And I can prove it to you...

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3 More Things I have Learned from Sweaty Naked People

In the past 15 years, I’ve touched more than 5000 sweaty, naked people. By choice.

I am a hot yoga teacher.

I mostly frown on public nakedness (I have had several requests to add “nude hot yoga” to our schedule. Not gonna happen.) Hot yoga is the exception.

In hot yoga, you're shedding your clothing... and your secrets. Because like it or not, your body never lies.

I touch sweat-drenched students with the intention to bring you deeper into a pose. And as I hold on, you teach me a lot about what you are willing to let go.

What are you releasing in hot yoga? I can tell you with a single touch...

There you are, mat to mat with people of all sizes, shapes and smells, testing the limits of your skimpiest clothing, your dripping sweat, your ability to focus despite distractions (this is not easy, especially in forward bends.)

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Is yoga stressing you out?

Can yoga be stressful?

Sounds funny but...

The yoga teacher is telling me to meditate, to empty my mind in yoga class and... I CAN'T DO IT! And now I have one more thing on my To Do list: EMPTY MIND. Arghh!

Maybe I'll just quit yoga so I don't have to feel like a failure. But wait - isn't that why I started yoga in the first place?

Let's be honest: it takes enlightened beings lifetimes to learn to empty the mind...do they really think you'll do it spontaneously, while you're resting after yoga class?

Women tend to stress about everything, even those things that are supposed to be enjoyable. If you've ever fretted about finding time for yourself, you've worried about... relaxing.

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Can hot yoga help back pain?

Is your back a pain in the neck?

Have tried all the remedies, only to have your back pain return?

Consider addressing the physical, general and emotional causes of your back pain.

Most people don't address all three areas and thatis what keeps so many lost in the Back Pain Triangle.

Yoga relieves stress in the mind and the bodyOver 80% of adults suffer from back pain at some stage. Almost 90% will suffer from recurring bouts of back pain. Eventually these same people will have their older years in chronic back pain misery.

It sounds frightening but rest assured: your back pain is easily solved, with the Back Support Pyramid.

It is not a product, a system or package. The Back Support Pyramid is

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