Entries in anxiety (2)


5 Ways to Love to Hate the Holidays

Hot yoga is a practice in paradox.

Hot yoga. Cool people.

Christmas has become a paradox: avoid delicious holiday meals, hold back on gifting, stay calm through the festivities.

'Tis the season everyone loves to be confused about.

Relax; the paradoxes are the best part

Things are always working out, especially when they're falling apart. And they do, in hot yoga and on major holidays.

Lucky for you.

Can you learn to love the paradoxes? Apply these 5 hot yoga lessons for a peaceful, powerful, paradoxical holiday season.

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Can hot yoga help back pain?

Is your back a pain in the neck?

Have tried all the remedies, only to have your back pain return?

Consider addressing the physical, general and emotional causes of your back pain.

Most people don't address all three areas and thatis what keeps so many lost in the Back Pain Triangle.

Yoga relieves stress in the mind and the bodyOver 80% of adults suffer from back pain at some stage. Almost 90% will suffer from recurring bouts of back pain. Eventually these same people will have their older years in chronic back pain misery.

It sounds frightening but rest assured: your back pain is easily solved, with the Back Support Pyramid.

It is not a product, a system or package. The Back Support Pyramid is

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