You're angry. You're depressed. You're overwhelmed. You're snarky.

What to do when you don't WANT to do hot yoga?
You know all the reasons you should do hot yoga...your bad back will straighten, your hurt knees will feel healed, your arthritis will ease, your rotten mood will soften...but right this minute, you don't FEEL like doing yoga, dammit. And class starts in 5 minutes.
You're not alone. A glut of hot yoga students show up 5 minutes before class begins - or 2 minutes after we lock the door to the yoga room - so we always know the days you had to drag yourself to hot yoga class.
We don't blame you; we welcome you. In fact, we have a lot of respect for you when you gag the Demon and show up anyway.
You've got your reasons...damn good ones. You're working overtime. You have a long commute right behind the old man who drives with his reading glasses. Your kids needed a ride to soccer practice and you thought today was Wednesday.
Hey, we've been there. We still are - yoga teachers are people, too.
So as a yogi and yoga teacher for the past 30-40 years, here's my advice on how to do yoga when you don't want to
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