Who's that wimp in hot yoga class?
There you are, smashing through Standing Bow Pulling.
The mirror confirms how rockin' you are today - finally, these asanas are easy.
This hot yoga is a snap. Your Cobra pose is hissing. Your Standing Stick is straight on. Even your Camel doesn't make you want to puke.
Meanwhile, that poor guy next to you is wheezing and gasping on his knees, trying his best to breathe in and out through the nose. And, hey, isn't that your teacher in the back in secret Savasana?
Guess who's the wimp in hot yoga class today? You are.
The key to hot yoga is to try 100% correctly, folllowing the teacher's detailed instructions for every pose. A Whatever-It-Takes attitude is the yoga of this yoga. And that may be exactly why that guy beside you is down for the count for now; he just gave it up at hot yoga class. while you're sitting - or standing pretty. To the untrained eye, it may just look like he's the one who wimped out, but...