Entries in relax (3)


30 Healthy, Happy and Wise hot yoga tips

Hot yogi and teacher Jaime Cahalan combined a 30 Day Challenge with green smoothies and raw foods.

The result was POW! A real one-two health punch, times 30.

Jaime is a graduate of the Integrative Nutrition Institute and she has worked with Brad's Raw Foods for years, often leading raw foods cleanses. She knows her diet stuff. Many of us want to know what you get by combining hot yoga with healthy eating - especially as we head into the holidays - so now is a good time to revisit Jaime's wisdom. . 

30 Things I Learned on My 30 Day Hot Yoga Challenge

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Is hot yoga too rigid to make you flexible?

"Is it boring to do the same 26 poses every hot yoga class?"

Er...no. Waking up every morning isn't boring. Everytime you do it, it's another fresh start.

"What about how every teacher uses the same words to explain the poses - what's up with that?"

We do it to hypnotize you. We do it to brainwash you. We do it to control you.

Yes, really.

We do it because we're afraid that maybe you're already hypnotized. You're already too rigid. We want hot yoga to wake you up and stretch your...life. Here's what we mean.

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Can hot yoga help back pain?

Is your back a pain in the neck?

Have tried all the remedies, only to have your back pain return?

Consider addressing the physical, general and emotional causes of your back pain.

Most people don't address all three areas and thatis what keeps so many lost in the Back Pain Triangle.

Yoga relieves stress in the mind and the bodyOver 80% of adults suffer from back pain at some stage. Almost 90% will suffer from recurring bouts of back pain. Eventually these same people will have their older years in chronic back pain misery.

It sounds frightening but rest assured: your back pain is easily solved, with the Back Support Pyramid.

It is not a product, a system or package. The Back Support Pyramid is

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