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Is yoga stressing you out?

Can yoga be stressful?

Sounds funny but...

The yoga teacher is telling me to meditate, to empty my mind in yoga class and... I CAN'T DO IT! And now I have one more thing on my To Do list: EMPTY MIND. Arghh!

Maybe I'll just quit yoga so I don't have to feel like a failure. But wait - isn't that why I started yoga in the first place?

Let's be honest: it takes enlightened beings lifetimes to learn to empty the mind...do they really think you'll do it spontaneously, while you're resting after yoga class?

Women tend to stress about everything, even those things that are supposed to be enjoyable. If you've ever fretted about finding time for yourself, you've worried about... relaxing.


Close your eyes and picture this: all your troubles and worries are waiting there, upstream. Outsmart them. Get in your canoe and put down the oars. Stop paddling against the current. Stop struggling. You'll get where you want to go a lot faster if you just float.

What do you think about after a hot yoga workout? Comment here and let me know

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