Entries in sweat (2)


3 More Things I have Learned from Sweaty Naked People

In the past 15 years, I’ve touched more than 5000 sweaty, naked people. By choice.

I am a hot yoga teacher.

I mostly frown on public nakedness (I have had several requests to add “nude hot yoga” to our schedule. Not gonna happen.) Hot yoga is the exception.

In hot yoga, you're shedding your clothing... and your secrets. Because like it or not, your body never lies.

I touch sweat-drenched students with the intention to bring you deeper into a pose. And as I hold on, you teach me a lot about what you are willing to let go.

What are you releasing in hot yoga? I can tell you with a single touch...

There you are, mat to mat with people of all sizes, shapes and smells, testing the limits of your skimpiest clothing, your dripping sweat, your ability to focus despite distractions (this is not easy, especially in forward bends.)

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12 Things I Learned from Sweaty Naked People

In my hot yoga NJ studio and thousands of others across the country, people of all sizes, shapes and smells stand mat to mat testing the limits of our skimpiest clothing, nonchalantly sweating like racehorses while we focus intently in the mirrors, shutting out all distractions including the hot yogis around us (translate "hot" any way you want).

This is not easy, especially in forward bends. (Best line ever after hot yoga class: "My head was so far up that girl's butt, I feel I should take her to dinner.")

During my hot yoga teaching these 13+ years, I have touched many, many sweat-drenched students, bringing students deeper into a pose. By holding on, I have learned a lot about letting go...

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