Can hot yoga help back pain?
Is your back a pain in the neck?
Have tried all the remedies, only to have your back pain return?
Consider addressing the physical, general and emotional causes of your back pain.
Most people don't address all three areas and thatis what keeps so many lost in the Back Pain Triangle.
Over 80% of adults suffer from back pain at some stage. Almost 90% will suffer from recurring bouts of back pain. Eventually these same people will have their older years in chronic back pain misery.
It sounds frightening but rest assured: your back pain is easily solved, with the Back Support Pyramid.
It is not a product, a system or package. The Back Support Pyramid is a three-sided understanding of how back pain arises, from three separate areas, and then interweaving the solutions for all three.
Ready to hear all three sides of the Back Support Pyramid?
SIDE 1: Structural Support for Your Back
The structural causes of back pain are tight muscles, weak muscles and joint imbalance. If you correct these, you correct structural causes of back pain.
Alas, cures are not structural alone. Your back pain will most likely come back (!) if you don't also solve the other two sides of this three-sided Back Support equation.
By the way - recent research has shown that the trauma caused by lifting an object, or doing a normal daily activity (the most common excuse for back pain), is not sufficient to create back pain.
This means the physical trauma that you thought caused your back pain ... didn't! It came from a buildup of tension, from physical causes and from the other two sides to the back pain triangle.
SIDE 2: Look To Your Health
Your general health affects your back. If you are tired, have bowel complaints (minor or major), hormonal imbalances, immune problems or are just generally not 100% healthy, back pain is more likely.
How does that work?
If you suffer from constipation, diarrhea, gas and wind, bloating, there is extra pressure on your lower back. This can set your lower back in a state of tension where when you lift, when you walk, even when you sit - so your back does not have the strength to support you. Then, seemingly suddenly, you pull your back after lifting an object you have lifted a hundred times before.
If you are tired, your muscles tire. That means emotional exhaustion as well as the tiredness of physical illness. Notice how when you have a flu/cold your muscles feel sore also. My lower back is excruciating when I have a fever.
Take care of your general health and your back will benefit.
SIDE 3: How are you Feeling Inside?
Your emotional health, not just the extremes of depression or anxiety, affect your back.
If you are stressed, anxious, worried or generally not at ease, then muscles tighten. The saying that "stress rides between your shoulders" is very accurate. Stress also takes up residence in your back.
When your mind is overactive, when you are not coping too well, muscles in your upper back tighten. Notice if someone squeezes your shoulders after a busy day, they can feel like rocks.
Notice also how good a long, hard hug feels. This emotional support can allow you to let go of those rocks in your back and melt.
Stress affects your muscles, and sometimes it is in deadly combination with one of the other areas affecting your back. If you are hunched over a desk, working on a project with a crushing deadline (notice the word doesn't even sound good), you get a double whammy of stress and structural damage to your back. And you might even be more susceptible to that stomach flu going around the office.
So to remove back pain once and for all, you need to address the physical, general and emotional causes to your back pain.
One answer? You guessed it: hot yoga.
In many hot yoga poses, we tell you to "pull your shoulders down from your ears," or to lift from your breastbone and tip your elbows into imaginary back pocket. In savasana, we encourage you to melt into the floor, to allow the floor to rise up to meet your body, to let go of your tension and your worries if only for these short minutes in the yoga room. We give you permission to take a pose lying down, to imagine yourself in the pose as you breathe deeply - this is just as beneficial as doing the pose!
These are all wonderful practices for of letting go the tension that is causing your back to seize up.
And when you finally get up after final Savasana, the relaxation pose, take these lessons out of the yoga room and back into your life: your back can support you in the ways it was meant, to carry you through a pain-free life of living your full potential for health and happiness.

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