Entries in meditation (3)


Ah, Fall; Season of Tranformational Hot Yoga Challenges

Ever wonder why the hot yoga challenge is 30 Days?

It takes at least 30 days to change an old habit and replace it with a new one.

In 30 days of hot yoga, what new habits can you expect?

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Is hot yoga too rigid to make you flexible?

"Is it boring to do the same 26 poses every hot yoga class?"

Er...no. Waking up every morning isn't boring. Everytime you do it, it's another fresh start.

"What about how every teacher uses the same words to explain the poses - what's up with that?"

We do it to hypnotize you. We do it to brainwash you. We do it to control you.

Yes, really.

We do it because we're afraid that maybe you're already hypnotized. You're already too rigid. We want hot yoga to wake you up and stretch your...life. Here's what we mean.

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Relax, it's Hot Yoga time.

Next hot yoga class at Riverflow Yoga or anywhere else, consider that you are creating your future.

Quite literally, your focused thoughts become etched into your brain, and finally, written out on the pages of your life story. And never are your thoughts more focused and more relaxed than when you are doing hot yoga.

Hot yoga...relaxing? YES!

Why? Because in hot yoga, your teacher does the thinking. You get a break from the incessant mind chatter during hot yoga, where all you have to do is

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