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Ah, Fall; Season of Tranformational Hot Yoga Challenges

Ever wonder why the hot yoga challenge is 30 Days?

It takes at least 30 days to change an old habit and replace it with a new one.

In 30 days of hot yoga, what new habits can you expect?

For some people, it's a fitness habit. Nothing like a 30 Day Hot Yoga Challenge to prove that fitness counts (literally.)

For others, the habit is to take care of yourself. Putting yourself first is a highly underrated activity that we, especially women/mothers, have been taught to neglect (remember, if you're not healthy and happy, you can't facilitate this for anyone else).

For others still, it's a habit of calm. In a hot yoga room? With all that blaring heat? With the incessant teacher dialogue? With all those distractions of sweat, towel, water, need to pee, the person next to you who is an expert and makes you feel inferior/the person next to you who is a dweeb and can't do anything but take poses off which just makes you want to lie down next to her and sleep too?

Yes. The hot yoga room is the most meditative place on earth...if you allow it.

The teacher talks so you don't have to think - about anything. Just follow the sounds of the words. Follow the instructions and let go for 90 minutes. It will be the best staycation you've had in ages (and the cheapest).

Ellen Downey and Melina Ragazas are our two latest 30 Day Challengers, sharing their hot yoga journey on our website blogs. Participate vicariously by following their blogs and then....who knows? Your transformation could be next.


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