Entries in hot yoga benefits (4)


What happens after 90 days of hot yoga? PARTY!

Melina didn't commit to 90 consecutive days of hot yoga...at first.

Her spirit was bright from Day 1: her big warm smile was her calling card and her final farewell after each  class. Every hot yoga teacher looked forward to her presence.

After Melina's 30 Day Challenge, she felt the call of a new beginning: how about 45 days? Forty-five is another hot yoga milemarker. As her 45 day finish line whizzed by, Melina saw her new horizon at 60 days,  another hot yoga milestone.

Then came inspiration to journey on; something about 90 days of hot yoga felt complete. Truth is, Melina's hot yoga transformation began even before her 30 Day Challenge kicked off. For years, she had suffered with symptoms and effects of undiagnosed mercury poisoning; then, even after diagnosis, the cures were complicated and without much relief.

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Will the real Hot Yoga please stand up?

Hot yoga is challenging old ideas about yoga.

And you can't spell Challenge without Change.

Back in 1971 when I started doing yoga, people thought I was weird. Few people had heard of yoga and even fewer had ever practiced it. I got turned onto yoga when I heard a Zen Buddhist monk speak at a NY college. He spoke no English; his wife was translating his words. I don't recall what yoga he spoke about, but it was his demeanor that impressed me; he was at once shy and retiring, but exuded a strength and inner power that reached me in the back row of a huge college auditorium.

From there I found my own yoga access on an obscure cable TV station, mornings at 6AM, evenings at 11.

Fast forward 40 years, and yoga is a lot more flexible.

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Is Hot Yoga Your Emotional Rescue?

How about those emotional hot yoga reactions?

Nothing gets you more deeply and more quickly into healing mode than a good hot yoga class. 

But you many not know that you're about to transform yourself emotionally as well as physically during each hot yoga class.

If you're practicing hot yoga (or one of Jaime’s nutritional programs) be prepared for some emotional shifts as your actual body chemistry improves.  Yes, it does improve, even if it doesn’t feel so good at first.

What causes the weird emotional reactions you might feel during hot yoga?

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Three Ways To Lock In The Benefits of Hot Yoga

"Lock your arms! Lock your leg! Lock your knee or the pose hasn't even started!"

You hear the word "lock" a lot in hot yoga. Here are the many variations you may have heard for 90 minutes straight:

"Squeeze your biceps behind your ears like they're holding your head onto your neck."

"Lock your thigh muscle; pull it up off your kneecap. Look for the dimple above your knee in the mirror."

"Make your standing leg like a tree-trunk, a lamppost. Lock your knee!"

Here's why you will hear that over and over again: 

The lock is the key to getting all the benefits of hot yoga.

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