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Should Governor Christie Do Hot Yoga?

I invited NJ Governor Chris Christie to a NJ hot yoga class at our studio.

I originally got the idea last October, after Governor Christie declined the 2012 GOP candidacy and the fat jokes got thick.  

Comedian David Letterman said Christie couldn’t run for President because, “there isn’t a Quizznos within five miles of the White House."  Michael Kinsley of Bloomberg said, “Since the president inevitably sets an example, and obesity is a national epidemic, a skinny person should run the country.” News commentator Neil Cavuto called it ”racism with a scale."

Should weight impact your credibiity?

There is a definite weight prejudice in America and it equates overweight with under-qualified. Governor Christie is the ideal candidate to end that.

To date over 1500 people have practiced hot yoga at Riverflow. I don't necessarily agree with Governor Christie's politics but let's face it: he is a strong political figure here in NJ and as such, he carries enough weight (sorry!) to demonstrate that commitment, can-do attitude, and ability to inspire others comes in all shapes and sizes.

So here was my appeal to Governor Christie:

“I am inviting you a Riverflow Yoga hot yoga class in the hopes that you can lighten up America's weight prejudice.

Hot yoga is not for the lighthearted. And a hot yoga class at Riverflow Yoga is about focus, awareness, and willingness to take on a challenge.

You will need exercise equal parts strength, heart and courage.

Hot Yoga is extreme, but our extreme economic and political climate calls for people willing to do whatever it takes. It’s time for someone to show that commitment outweighs pants size – and you are just the candidate."

The last thing I said to Christie, I say to all of you, dear yogis: “Do hot yoga for yourself,  do it to answer all those negative internal  thoughts that insist you are a failure unless you measure up to a number on a scale, and do it for fun above all else.

Find the edge of giving 100% effort and taking yourself lightly in hot yoga, and you will start to eenjoy the bigness of your life. 


(Still awaiting a response from Governor Christie and keeping a spot warm for him)

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