What a hot waste of time...
My most enjoyable way to start each day is with little waste of time .
Any given morning, I can be found loading the dishwasher, folding the towels, shining up the stainless steel refrigerator doors (I did that this morning).
The efficiency experts tell me I am wasting time.
I need a To Do List. I am putting the small things before the big important ones. I am losing ground, losing the race, getting sidetracked by being unfocused.
Something inside me knows differently.
I sometimes fall into berating myself for “frittering away” my time doing these seemingly trivial tasks. Then I get it: feeling good is not trivial.
Doing what feels good right now is taking care of myself: for me, putting these little things in order harkens to a deeper trust of doing what feels good and knowing that folding the laundry now, just because it feels good, will unfold beautifuly in my life.
Think about this the next time you want to talk yourself out of doing what feels good to you (like hot yoga, for instance); that’s your heart calling out to you that you are ignoring.
Are there any messages more important?
Whose life are you living today? COMMENTS PLEASE: What did you do today just because it felt good?

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