Entries in why diets fail (1)


Why diets fail...and you can succeed

Are dieters really losers? Or do people who lose weight always find it again?

Life is abundant. You get more of what you ask for.

But what if you're getting what you're NOT asking for?

Know it or not, you are always asking - deliberately or unconsciously. You don't just ask with your words, but with your focus and your emotions.

Your focus is your most powerful leverage; it's why our hot yoga room is lined with mirrors. You are honing your focus: eyes open, face forward, focus, focus, focus.

Consider your focus when you're dieting: food. As the diet progresses, you're counting calories, avoiding carbs, weighing yourself daily.

You are focused on the very things you don't want: calories, carbs, pounds. Focus, focus, focus, No wonder you get more of them.

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