Entries in hot yoga 30 day challenge (2)


Really? Hot yoga can change your life in 15 days?

I just love happy endings - especially those involving hot yoga and new beginnings.

This is Parul before starting hot yoga (left), then 15 days into her 30 Day Challenge (right). Gorgeous either way, but take particular note of the shape of her face, the light in her eyes...Day 1 of Parul's 30 Day Hot Yoga Challenge was Day One of her new life in every way, shape and form.

Chest pains, headaches, high cholesterol, thyroid medication - Parul was famliar with all of this.  But one day, she awoke to seriousness of it: her life could be cut short by a heart attack any time now, and she was only 33.

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Notes from the Finish Line of a 30 Day Challenge

"I was not feeling well; my body ached and I had a headache. 

Day 26 was not my finest.

I was really tired. My stomach was in knots. I was irritable and short tempered. I wanted a freakin’ night off. Not my normal MO. I strongly considered bagging hot yoga: really, I was doing this 30 day challenge for myself, right? It was only  a strong sense of obligation (decided on early in the afternoon)  that got me to the hot yoga studio...."

Not exactly what you might expect to hear about a 30 Day Hot Yoga Challenge.

But it's not all sunshine and roses. Ellen Downey speaks the truth about her hot yoga challenge, and as you know, "the truth shall set you free...but first, it will piss you off."(Gloria Steinem, founder of the Feminist Movement)

So what exactly is Ellen talking about on Day 26 of her 30 days?

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