Entries in flexible body (1)


Hot Yoga Secrets and AHA Moments

To paraphrase the old TV show, I've Got A Hot Yoga Secret:

The journey of Hot yoga is mapped out for you in each hot yoga class, but still, you have to take the twists and turns yourself. It's a winding road, but then, no one can go too far traveling in a straight line (thank you, Little Prince). Did you think yoga was going to be soft, and gentle, all New-Age cuddly and comfortable? Wake up sweetheart. You're doing hot yoga now.

The AHA moments of hot yoga begin at the end of your comfort zone.

When you've been doing yoga (40 years)  and teaching yoga (30 years) for some time, you find some pretty cool inroads. And crossroads.

Here are some of my personal yoga AHA moments:

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