Entries in Dr. Mercola (2)


Hot yoga and fasting?

One healthy diet? Don't make me laugh!

Everyone has an idea of which diet is best. Personally, I think eating is a personal choice; you have to feel your way to what works for you. However, one point of agreement among experts, from Dr. Joseph Mercola (whom I have followed for years) to ancient yogis:

Health begins in your gut.

There are many yoga practices, internal cleansings and asanas for cleaning up the digestive system. Dr. Mercola says diet keeps the mitochordria of your cells vibrant; so much so that it can reverse and prevent cancer. NOT another diet fad, Dr. Mercola now discusses this  new way of feeding your cells and going with your gut:

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How Hot Yoga Stands Up to Dr. Mercola's 3 Fitness Pillars

If you're a fan of Dr. Joe Mercola, the original alternative medicine doctor who has always been ahead of the curve on everything healthy, you'll love what he has to say now:

Dr. Mercola's 3 Fitness Pillars are an almost perfect description of what we do in Hot 26 Yoga.

It's no surprise to me. Yoga is 5000 years old. Back then, yogis didn't need doctors or scientists to confirm what they knew: yoga is healing.

About 40 years ago, when the hot 26 yoga series was developed as a healing to acute injury, those yogis knew the deeper secret: that hot yoga was a complete healing: physically, emotionally, and spiritually.

Yoga acknowledges the interrelationship of all aspects of a person, unlike western medicine where the focus is primarily on the physical body (allopathic medicine only relatively recently even acknowledged that emotional stress impacts physical health, and only after testing proved what yogis always knew: the emotional and the physical are not separable).

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