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Hydration Part 2: The Electrolyte Balancing Act

Water, water everywhere and drink you must, in hot yoga, especially in summer, particularly on a 30 Day hot yoga Challenge (go Pam, Lori, Megha, Teri!)

But that's only half the hyrdation story.

For intake, the rule of thumb is half your body weight in ounces daily for normal hydration.

But if you do hot yoga, you're not normal. So how much water is enough? And is there such a thing as too much?

Turns out - there is. As well as a simple fix for balancing it all out.

I don't worry too much about getting too much water; I find that most people are not even maintaining baseline hydration on a regular basis.

But in the summer, as you sweat more and more there may be a tendency to feel chug water - right before class, right after class - or worse, during.

And too much of a good thing can too much.

If you are a long time hot yoga practitioner who suddenly finds yourself curiously dry mouthed despite drinking more than usual, it's possible that you have crossed over into the little-known territory of over-hydration, a terrain that is not without it's problems. 

Overhydration washes out too many minerals.  Like underhydration, overhydration also too puts stress on the body; it lowers metabolic rates and turns on the stress hormones. 

Who needs that?  You're doing hot yoga to de-stress!

Drinking beverages high in electrolytes helps somewhat, but this does not replenish the minerals missing from overly-diluted blood.  Gatorade only goes so far - and as far as those prepackaged sports drinks, they are all so highly sugared that now you're getting more of what you don't want - sugar.

So you still lethargic, headachy, the way you used to feel when you drank too little water.

In this case, drinking more is not the answer.

My trusted Natropath, Maxine Murray, ND, has a wonderful recommendation for us hotties who sweat profusely on a frequent basis:  start every day with SOLE (pronounced  SO  LAY). 

Sole is a simple formula you prepare by placing Himalayan Rock Salt or Crystals in a quart of water, allowing it to dissolve until the water cannot hold any more salt (you'll see some undissolved salt on the bottom of the jar.)  This makes a 26% brine solution. 

Each morning place one teaspoon of this brine in a quart of water and drink.  Do this at least once a day and you'll maintain your sodium levels.  Plus you'll be replacing the other missing ingredient for good health: very valuable water soluble trace minerals. If you are drinking two or three quarts of water daily (yes, hotties, you are) do this two or three times daily.

Most people notice changes right away.

Now there's more: throw away your table salt and replace it with Himalayan sea salt.  

Some people actually take Himalayan sea salt in capsule form.  Botanical Medica manufactures it in 1000 mg Vcaps.  Her recommendation is:

1-2 capsules three times a day with meals six days a week. 

At the same time, contune to drink at least half of your body weight in ounces of water daily.

There's lots of great information about this on the website is www.herbsoflight.com.

There are also many websites that describe SOLE, the history, its uses.


And here is Maxine's pick for a great book on the subject:  Water and Salt:  The Essence of Life


Water, plus salt and trace minerals: that's the winning combination.

If you are diligently drinking half you're body weight in ounces you've got the first part under contol. SOLE will add back what's missing. And, if you miss your SOLE in the morning, or you'd like another hit of trace minerals before hot yoga class or after, ask us for a few drops of the trace minerals we keep at the studio, Rehydrate or 40,000 Volts of Electricity.

Then you'll be ready to soak in all the benefits of your hot yoga class.

Reader Comments (6)

I definitely want to try this out. I struggled with feeling dehydrated and tried a few things (yes, the dreaded Gatorade even!) but something as simple as Himalayan sea salt and water? I know what I'll be getting at Fresh Market today!

June 25, 2014 | Registered CommenterHeatherS

I never would have thought that one could drink too much water! I definitely am going to look into the Himalayan Sea Salt! Thanks Rhonda!

July 6, 2014 | Registered CommenterKimA

It's not really that it's too much water Kim, as too much, too soon. Chugging water is what flushes out the electrolyte balance. We keep a jar of Himalayan sea salt dilution in the fridge at Riverflow Heather - ask for a teaspoonful for your water before and/or after class.

i have completed three 30 day challenges in the last 2 years. The first two i was not aware of SOLE and found myself getting headache after headache with each class. I pushed through it by taking advil, which i didnt like doing but that was the only way i could get through the rest of my day. After a while the advil didnt even seem to help anymore.

I was talking to Rhonda and other fellow yogis about this and they informed me of SOLE. This was my "AHA" moment of NO MORE HEADACHES!! I started adding this to my water immediately. I was excited to begin my 3rd challenge just out of curiosity to see what kind of effect it would have by adding it to my water daily. Do you know that i did not get one headache the entire 30 day challenge!?! GO SOLE!!!!!!! What a simple remedy!

November 12, 2014 | Registered CommenterTinaA

Sometimes I feel in class all you need is just a sip of refreshing water. This simple desire puts all in a different true prospective of what your truly needs are. Love simplicity.

November 20, 2014 | Registered CommenterAlfia

Tina, I am so impressed with your 30 day challenge especially during the training. You did it amazingly well. Yes, Rhonda mentioned SOLE during our first workshop. I am glad you find a simple and healthy remedy. Thankfully, I have never had such an issue but being hydrated properly is very important especially during the 30 day challenge. It is so true that we forget very simple things in life. Every time I am in class I feel that I am reminded about it. How awesomely refreshing a sip of water is in the hot room. It is all you need :) a sip of water and a deep breath to feel good. Love simplicity :).

December 14, 2014 | Registered CommenterAlfia

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