10 Ways to Know You're A Hot Yoga Teacher
The saying, "If you want to master something - teach it," has been true for me and hot yoga.
Back when I was 19, I started teaching yoga because it was fun; I wanted to share my love of yoga with my friends. Now, some 35+ later, I can tell you teaching yoga has taken me on the most surprising journey into own life - and farther than I ever imagined.
How do you know if you'd be a good hot yoga teacher?
- You’re a hot yoga enthusiast. You look forward to your next hot yoga class. You know hot yoga will help you through your stress and worry, so, regardless of your excuses, you get to hot yoga.
- You want to share hot yoga. You tell your friend with scoliosis, your sister with bad knees, your cousin about to undergo back surgery. You want others to feel the benefits you found in hot yoga.
- You're curious. Where did yoga start? How can an ancient practice be so relevant to modern life? You want to know more about this yoga thing
- Your JOB is so OVER. Yes, you want income, but mostly, you want to be inspired. You secretly fantasize about quitting your JOB and finding meaningful teaching hot yoga.
- You like people. You enjoy greeting people in hot yoga, talking to the regulars, encouraging the newbies. You enjoy the yoga community.
- You have something to say. Hot yoga has awakened something in you. You may not have a world of experience but you want to share what's in your are heart.
- You’re ready to grow your life. Yoga teacher training can be an emotional rollercoaster, as you peel off the layers and uncover hidden pieces of yourself. It’s enlightening. It's alarming. It's challenging. This doesn't scare you because...
- You are a Warrior. Hot yoga has already taught you this about yourself: you have the spirit to go through the finish line. You do it in every hot yoga class. Now you want more: you want to be all that you know you are.
- You love to learn. You do want to learn more about hot yoga for yourself, but you also know that the more you understand and benefit from hot yoga, the better you are as a parent, spouse, friend, employee, boss....human.
- You invest in yourself. You know that your investment in hot yoga teacher training is an investment in yourself that will pay you back many times over.
CLICK for more info on RIVERFLOW HOT YOGA TEACHER TRAINING, starting April 2014
Reader Comments (11)
Beautifully written - and all so true! It was one of the best decisions of my life! :-) If anyone is curious about teacher training from someone who is in it, please feel free to ask Rhonda for my contact information. Cheers and may all those who feel the tugging on their heart strings to join the training find themselves there.
So lovely to look back and be able to say, "this was one of the best decisions of my life." Many times, it's the decisions that call to you, without reason, that turn out to be the ones you cherish. Hot Yoga Teacher Training sometimes goes against all the "odds" of what you can "get" from being a yoga teacher ("Can I afford it? How can I pay for this? What kind of a career will teaching hot yoga give me?")...and then it pays you back infinitely.
I'd agree with Melina. Teaching yoga (and the luscious pursuit of it) has changed my life. The most wonderful part of being called to do something like this is that often times it doesn't make sense... And we can find a bazillion reasons why we shouldn't pursue such things that don't make sense . Things such as money or time. In my own opinion too many people are afraid to live. If I had to honestly go back and look at myself just about two years ago before I started this journey; I think I would be amazed that this worked out so terrifically.
I've watched you blossom as a teacher Alex and I've seen how becoming a hot yoga teacher has enlightened your life too - such an honor to witness. Plus, it's FUN! Teaching hot yoga is meant to be that part of your day that you look forward to because it's just plain fun! I always tell my teachers, you should be saying,"Yay, I get to teach hot yoga today!" not, "Shit, I have to teach tonight." Consistently.
Same - one of the best decisions of my life
You have hit the nail on the head. I have been in the same job for over 8 years and when TT came around last session, it just wasn't the right time for me. I kept it in the back of my mind so that I could prepare for when it came around again. I was ready both financially and mentally. I hope at the end of this I am a better version of myself and am a member of the RiverFlow family, my second home.
Lovely Gabby: sometimes you plant a seed and you can just watch it bloom. Welcome to the Riverflow family and you are indeed home
I have been at the same job for nearly 16 years!! It's like living ground hog day (the movie) every day and it's mentally exhausting and I am OVER IT!! While I do like my job and my coworkers and customers, it's certainly not my passion and I want to do something more meaningful. I have always toyed with doing teacher training with Riverflow for oh... nearly 4 years now. When this email came in about teacher training, it was one of those signs that said to me 'what do you have to lose?? Go for it' and here I am. I am very excited to start this new chapter in my life and learn more about hot yoga, dig deeper not only about yoga but myself as well - I'm ready to peel those layers.
Welcome Heather - let the peeling begin!
It is indeed an act of peeling layers away from yourself till you get to….you! I am currently enrolled in Teacher Training and am most assuredly experiencing the ripples of this training expanding into all other areas of my life.
It can be hard, exhausting, and it will most definitely push you to your edge - but the reward is sweet and unending, just like when you give the asana in class you're ALL and you're sweating and pushing to your edge and then you finish and stand in Savasana to experience that sweet release and flow of oxygenated blood - that is my experience of hot yoga teacher training…and I agree with all those commenters above - One of the best decisions of my life!
It's funny because i was thinking about TT for about 6 months. Then one day i had the worse day of my life at work and the universe told me to contact Rhonda and jump on board the TT ship before it set sail! I am so thankful i did, with moments to spare, and it has indeed been a journey that is soon to be coming to a close :(
As Grace says, its peeling away layers as well as using the dynamics in everyday life. The dynamics are what attracted me to TT, the script and teaching came along with it. To my surprise I actually enjoyed learning the script, cues, etc. and implementing them into my my own practice. As TT went on and i became more confident, I could see myself in the teacher role.