Thank you, hot yoga, for all that I don't know
Yoga is one of the best life coaches I could ask for.
Yoga helps me tighten up not only my body, but my focus and drive. I have a lot of projects, and things I’m working on seem to flow to me - ideas, circumstances, energies and intuitive decisions - all that and much more by doing my yoga. I am in control.
But today online, I read a Meghan Currie pearl of wisdom: “The only thing we that we DON’T know.” And that struck a chord with me....
You don’t need to know. You need to BE. And there’s a big difference.
Embracing non-knowing removes all the pressure of thinking you NEED to know and control.
By knowing that we don’t know, we open ourselves up, our inner flowers blossom to the sky. More receptive, more open to the moment, more appreciative of this shimmering present moment.
We stop trying to dissect every detail and every single moment and stuff them in labeled boxes and then study it for years and years and years until we’ve learned it well enough.
And that sounds scary - like you’re losing control or not taking account for the real decisions in your life. But on the other side of that fear is complete liberation. You don’t know...and you’re OKAY with that! See what happens.
There are a lot of things that we feel and experience and love and enjoy, right? A lot of things that we don’t enjoy, a lot of things that whatever...its a whole ball of energy of things.
But much pressure do we put on ourselves to KNOW, all the time....
What’s out there? You don’t know? Never been yet? Don’t have a recollection of it? Relying on other peoples’ accounts, philosophies, relgions, books of inspiration to tell you?
That’s finnnne. That’s totally fine.
Just don’t use that not knowing as a source of pain in you, transmute it into a source of liberation.
Use it a way of being even more playful, receptive, transcendent in the moment.
The only thing we know is that we don’t know. So work with that. Work the that. Dance with that. Play with that.
Celebrate it.
If all of the secrets of the Universe were meant to be known to you in this very moment, then they would be. So if they’re not - if you don’t believe that they are, you don’t see that they are, don’t have the EYES to see them as they are in their naked truths, - then just know that the unknowing is serving you.
That unknowing is giving you a further excuse to manifest, and grow, and exercise, and play, in this world, in this life and unique embodiment of YOU.
So that unknowing is temporal, but it’s also one of your best friends. Its helping you have a delicious, delicious life experience.
So it’s one of the main ingredients here. So instead of pushing it away, trying to drown out its delicious flavor with all sorts of other gunk and junk and sauces and whatevers, it’s not.
You’re always going to have that aftertaste anyways. So strip it to its source and make that the main meal. Celebrate it for what it is.
It’s helping you. It’s helping you to be alive. It’s helping you be human. It’s helping you really clairfy what you want to do and who you want to be.
What - you think the KNOWING is what makes you clear on who you want to be? No, it’s the UNknowing.
Have you ever felt more in control or relieved by over thinking all the scenarios and answers and doing that big mental analysis? Probably not.
Cause if you know everything in the universe, if you knew it all...If you knew every little detail, and overturned every grain of sand in the cosmic ocean, what would you inch towards?
That total knowledge is inert. We're here to dance our dances, and shake our asses really fucking hard.
Whereas this unknowing is a dance, and you’re dancing it in your own unique, awesome, way.
So I’m ever grateful for that wisdom that I discover for that ever-wonderful yogini that I completely adore.
And I’m just embracing that and cradling that, so that the next time a wave of fear or stress or anxiety, or not-enoughness, or paranoia overcomes me, or feelings of control for the future.
I’m just gonna remember: It's my human right NOT to know.
Isn’t this whole life experience completely mystifying? Why do we try to cloak that in man-made mind-stuff?
Grab that mystery, full throttle, and dive into it, cherish it, adorn it, decorate it. See it as a 'monster'? Make it a beautiful monster.
There’ s a spirit molecule, DMT. It’s an abundant molecule that’s in our bodies this very moment, in plants, animals, all around us.
And this DMT “spirit molecule” in its distilled form, transports you to the pinhead of Gods needle, to universal source. You lose your ego, your human identity momentarily and are catapulted to higher levels of consciousness to see the big, fat, juicey grand picture. You see and know and feel everything. Timeless, boundless, nameless...everything.
And then you slowly tumble to lower and lower consciousness levels to re-enter your body and mind and egoic trappings. As the written experiences of the many spiritual masters of yogis and yoginis also reflect.
What’s interesting about this: is that your body is biologically hard-wired to thwart DMTs effects. Your liver has compounds specifically designed to break down DMTs god-consciousness effect in our bodies.
Your body is buffering you from that all-knowing experience.
Isn’t that just so interesting? It tells me: Until my body WANTS to have that experience, this is where I’m gonna be, this is who I’m gonna be.
You’re not here to kNOW everything, you’re not here to have the mystery unveiled before your human eyes.
You’ve chosen to be here to LIVE IN THE UNKNOWING!!!! TO BE A CHILD...AND PLAY PRETEND.
You’re here to just love that experience.
I’m trying to have fun and love this experience for everything it offers. I’m blessed and every day I feel it more and more.
Thank you Life.
Reader Comments (6)
Thank YOU for posting this - it's beautiful. I love thinking about being like a playful child and that it is my right NOT to have all the answers right now. Not knowing everything IS serving me! So now I'm off to dance my dance. Cheers!
I agree marguerite ... Not only is it your right to "not have to know ," it's your demonstration of faith over fear : faith that everything is always working out for you over fear of its opposite!
Supposedly we are supposed to figure out life as we age. The older I get, I realize the less I know...and the less I care about knowing. More importantly, it's taking what you do know and doing something about it. I do know what I love to do and would love to do--so I'm shooting for experiences in those realms. No rush...letting it happen gradually and that standing bow ;)
I agree, Laura: I think the "figuring out" part is where we get sidelined. Figuring out is all in your mind;life is meant to be lived in the experience of the present moment, not a dissection of the past and a set of "lessons" to live by (ever notice that when people say, "I learned my lesson," it's never good stuff?). Life - work, relationships and more - as well as Standing Bow Pulling all have to be experienced in the present.
It may sound like challenge to wipe the slate clean every day and live in the now - but it really is easy to just follow what feels good. Thats the now! Now is a perfect time wonderful time to trust your feelings - your heart - and laugh as you tell your reasoning mind, "Thanks for sharing, but...not now please."
Why burden myself with the WHY? This is the greatest thing I have learned until now. I BE. Just BE. NOW is the only thing we can be certain of - the rest…well…we can't know. We can't be certain. And that's GREAT! What a weight lifted off of our chests. We don't have to know. Like Rhonda says - why do we have to know how the train rolled up to the station? Why not just get on the train and take it to wherever you desire.
A bit of my favorite girl, Emily Dickinson - on this subject..
“To live is so startling it leaves little time for anything else.”
and a poem of hers...
THE MURMUR of a bee
A witchcraft yieldeth me.
If any ask me why,
’T were easier to die
Than tell.
The red upon the hill
Taketh away my will;
If anybody sneer,
Take care, for God is here,
That ’s all.
The breaking of the day
Addeth to my degree;
If any ask me how,
Artist, who drew me so,
Must tell!
Beautiful Grace
And as long as we're in poetry mode:
Robert Bly - translated from Kabir
I Talk To My Inner Lover
I talk to my inner lover, and I say, why such
We sense that there is some sort of spirit that loves
birds and animals and the ants--
perhaps the same one who gave a radiance to you in
your mother’s womb.
Is it logical you would be walking around entirely
orphaned now?
The truth is you turned away yourself,
and decided to go into the dark alone.
Now you are tangled up in others, and have forgotten
what you once knew,
and that’s why everything you do has some weird
failure in it.