Entries in thyroid (1)


"A woman and her sled dog walk into a bar..."

"A woman and her yoga mat walk into a studio..." One woman's experience of heat and healing by Jo Baron

It is March 2013; the woman had recently moved from North of 60, AK. 

Almost immediately, pounds began packing on at record pace.  All too soon, she was buying clothes of the XXL variety and way into the double digits in order to accommodate her inflated spare-tire middle. She needed a special shop to be fitted for larger bras... an alarming 42HH! Her cup size was now larger than her head! (in case you're wondering, there are no sexy bras in this size. Not even a color choice. You get solid beige, double durable, bullet-proof, side-by-side hammocks.)  Yikes.

Was it too much junk food on the 28-day drive? Warmer climate? (yes, cold weather burns calories.)  A HUGE decrease in her level of actvity?  Middle-age catching up to her?  All of the above? Never too fond of Western medicine (that's a whole 'nother story), she reluctantly stopped into a clinic for routine bloodwork... just in case. 

Now, genetics are not on her side.  Her family health history is an abomination.  She's predisposed to everything bad under the sun and she is smart enough to know that obesity needs to be kept at bay. 

A couple days later, the results are in:

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