Entries in mental rehearsal (1)


"Which hot yoga poses can I practice at home?" 

I love enthusiastic Riverflow hot yoga students who ask me, "Which hot yoga poses can I do at home?"

The answer: all of them - as long as you never move a muscle.

Once you have a steady, 3-times-a week hot yoga practice, you can improve all 26 of your hot yoga poses by rehearsing them in your mind.

That's right - sit back and be lazy. (Repeat after me: Lazy is good; lazy is good; lazy is gooooooood!)

Only it's not so lazy; it takes commitment, focus, and giving up the guilt about "doing nothing." Get ready for your Hot Yoga Mental Rehearsal.

Mental rehearsal isn't a New-Age, touchy/feely thing; it's science. Countless experiments like the one above, usually done with athletes, prove that the results can be exactly the same when you exercise your mind. 

Can you pretend your hot yoga practice into perfection?

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