Entries in flexibility (2)


How to relax about being tight 


“I can’t  do yoga – I’m not flexible!”

I hear this complaint a lot from would-be hot yoga students. I try to explain that hot yoga is the antidote to inflexibiity. In fact, the tighter you are the more quickly you may notice the before-and-after of your hot yoga body.

But hot yoga is more than skin deep. 

While you're busy twisting and turning and stretching, yoga is expanding you on many other levels, loosening your mind, for example

Is there such a thing as too tight to do hot yoga? 

If you believe you’re inflexible,  you are likely to think so. Becuase a tight mind is even more painful. So loosen up your old ideas about yourself and come in closer...

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Hot Yoga: Everyone out of the Comfort Zone

Hot yoga is a routine, but there's nothing routine about it.

You do the same yoga poses in every hot yoga class, so the inexperienced might be tempted to think that this kind of routine might create a kind of comfortable, predictable laziness.

I've heard lots of adjectives for hot yoga but comfortable isn't one of them.

Yes, the yoga poses don't vary; Hot Yoga is structured to work your entire body from bones to skin, as they say. Complete each pose and you've just had a whole body workout.

But some people are still a bit mixed up about hot yoga and exercise...

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