Entries in changing your life with hot yoga (1)


Give us 30 Days and Hot Yoga will give you... well, what do you want? 

We love it when you guys do a 30 Day Hot Yoga Challenge.

It's one thing for us to tell you how much you can transform your body and your life; it's another to watch it happen. What's even better is having our students write about their hot yoga experiences.

Zero to Yogi in 30 Days - by Jenn P

Not a bad way to look at the 30-day challenge. But honestly, it doesn’t take 30 days. It takes just a moment: that moment in which you set the intention to do something good for yourself, to incorporate hot yoga into your life. Come every day for a month, or just drop in on occasion, but once you’ve made your mind up to do it--wham! Yogi.

Hot yoga seems extreme, right? It’s hard to argue that it isn’t: 90 minutes of pushing yourself to your limits in a 105-degree room? Not for the faint of heart. But it isn’t reserved for the über-athletic or ultra-flexible, either.

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