How hot is your life?
You took on a 30 Day Hot Yoga Challenge.
You're tired. Grumpy. Thirsty.
You have a million more productive things you could be doing. Your kids or husband or boyfriend or girlfriend is beginning to complain about how you're "never home anymore." You feel guilty: you should quit, for their sake. After all, they come first. That's just how you are: giving and nurturing. You'll give up for them
Here's why you shouldn't...
"Three Feet from Gold" is a book, the story of a miner who found a cache of gold.
And then the mine went dry.
Day after day he dug down but continued to find little.
"One more day, one more day," he rationalized.
One day, he ran out of days....
Despite the fact that he was digging, he could no longer deny that he didn't expect to find his heart's desire. He was going through the motions but he had lost the dream.
Discouraged, he sold the mine to cover ever increasing costs and chalked it up to a poor investment.
But not for everyone.
The miner who had bought it understood something deeper: gold forms in veins, and, like all veins, they take a winding path.
The initial miner had found the entry point and continued digging straight down in one direction. In fact, it was time to take a new turn and continue following the path, joyfully and with happy anticipation.
This the new owner did, and, just three feet later, was rewarded with the deeper heart of gold.
- Have you ever given up on your dreams because they looked lke they had given up on you?
- How do you keep on keeping on despite appearances of failure?
- How can you believe what you cannot see?
Join us for The Dynamics of Transformation: a 10 week online workshop to reconnect you to your dreams and show you how to pick up the trail once again. Your most treasured dreams did not die - they've been there waiting patiently for you to take the next turn.
Are you ready to dive deep and wide into the life you've always wanted?
CLICK FOR MORE INFORMATION about Riverflow Blissful Warrior Dynamic Transformations- online coaching to get back to your heart of gold.
Designed to support you, mentor you, and never let you let you give up three feet from your dreams.
Or sell yourself short.
Reader Comments (5)
The Heart of Gold - Dreams Never Die!
I have joined my Hot Yoga Teacher training because it is my path that will lead me to my dreams :). It may have a winding pattern but it is authentic. I am going to do this training as I practice my hot yoga. Focus and precision. There are no extra parts. Dreams never die and they always alive in your heart. The heart lies never and it leads you to the best you want to experience in life. How do I keep on on keeping despite the failure? I keep breathing with a smile because in my heart I know I can do it.
And therefore, Alfia, there is no failure; it's all good.
Exactly my point
Last night in class you said"for 90 minutes you pushed out all the obstacles you created out of all your three bodies, at least temporarily" I was thinking why temporarily, get them out of the way and out of my life! They are just thoughts not true obstacles! 30 minutes later I was dancing in my kitchen Thank you Rhonda :)
I say this Alfia because everything in this life is temporary.
If you had pushed out "for good" all obstacles to all that you want, you would instantly manifest all that you desire. You would never again have a rough moment at work, at your job, or anywhere at anytime. You would manifest everything you ask the very moment you ask it.
Maybe someday....
But its not important. Negating all moments of misalignment is not the real goal; having new desires and lining up with them - this is the challenge of co-creation. Life is change and expansion and it can be a oyful process to live it, not just survive it.
Hot yoga is one way to align yourself, body mind and spirit.
There will be moments of alignment and misalignment in hot yoga, and throughout your life. The practice is to appreciate both for the information. and the guidance both experiences afford you.