Hot Yoga Pose Forums > Dandayamana Biphatkapada Paschimottanasana
Ok so now I've posted twice. Can't find either. Love the stretch but still scared to pigeon toe. Sciatica after my second son, won't even test it.
It can be scary to "try:" a pose cue that you worry might trigger an old pain...and we NEVER advise pain so you can wait til you're ready to pigeon-toe in this pose....but remember: when you do hot yoga you are NEW in this moment. Old stuff is a memory. When you REMEMBER it, you bring it into your current practice. Someday the memory will be replaced and you'll be inspired to try what want. And in that moment, a new experience of freedom will replace an old memory of pain. In that moment, sciatica will transform into a new story that begins, "once upon a time....."
I used to PULL my forehead to the floor and kind of rest it there and it felt good, but it was missing something! It was missing the release of resistance. Don't force it~! When I stop resisting and do everything as i'm told, my forehead ends up between my feet. If my lower back releases I am able to press my forehead to the mat. My goodness it a feeling of complete relaxation. I want to stay there forever.
And that is the secret, Lisa- in this pose, in every pose and in life: let go of resistance and everything comes to you as easily as that… And along the way, it’s enjoyable! Kudos to you
So to be honest, I mixed up my posts last week and did Dandayamana Bibhaktapada Janushirasana last week...oops, so I noticed my mistake and came back here to do this one now. So the sciatica cue. I have sciatica since my youngest daughter was born, they had to manually move my pelvis to get her 10lb self out of me. Like a chihauhau having a German Shepherd puppy. LOL. To the point, after five years of on and off Hot Yoga I find that my sciatica pain is hardly a bother at all, and sometimes my feet naturally pigeon toe in and I just let them. It has not caused any ill effect. I dont due it if I have had pain that week, but I feel that my practice has improved the situation. I think that the combination of working to release and flex my spine with a recent weight loss has taken the pressure of the nerve.