CHAKRAS: Your vibrational anatomy

What are Chakras?

There is an energy that swirls through all living beings: people, animals, plants...even "inanimate" objects like rocks, water and more. 

When seen with Kirilian photography this energy looks like colorful ripples or auras expanding outward at a certain speeds

Yoga describes these as The Chakras:  energy vortices that correspond to parts of the physical, emotional and spiritual body.

What we know about Chakras:
  • There are 7 Major Chakras
  • Chakras animate the body from the inside out
  • When aligned, the Chakras create optimal health of body, mind and spirit.  
  • Each Chakra has a physical, emotional, creative, and spiritual component. 
  • Each Chakra relates to an element of higher consciousness.
  • Chakras are powerful yet sensitive and easily affected. Strong emotions, traumas,  life experiences can easily upset the balance of the chakras.
  • Physical ailments are often associated with imbalances of the chakras
  • If your chakra energies are "off" in some way, you feel it in various ways

To understand the Chakras you will read about them, then focus on them one at a time to experience each chakra during hot yoga and note what you feel in your yoga in your your body - and in your life.


Chakras By the Numbers

Chakras are masculine and feminine

Even-numbered chakras (the second at the sacrum; fourth, at the heart, and the sixth, at the third eye) govern the “feminine” qualities of relaxation and openness.

Odd-numbered chakras, found in the legs and feet, solar plexus, throat, and crown of the head, govern the “masculine” ennergies of assertion, to have, to ask, to speak, and to know.

The odd-numbered, masculine chakras tend to move energy out into the world and create warmth and heat.

The even-numbered, feminine chakras cool things down, attracting energy inward.

To be balanced is to enjoy both masculine and feminine energies

If you have unbalanced masculine chakras, for instance, you may find yourself pushing yourself hard in work. This is especially deadly for women who are "wired" for feminine chakras.

But there is no one balance that is appropriate for all people; you find your balance by staying aware of your feelings. When you feel disconnected in any way, try setting your mind and your imagination to the chakra of the part of your boy associated with that feeling.

There you will find soothing for body, mind and spirit


When Chakras become unbalanced...

You feel achy, clogged, there may be pain in your body. You go to the doctor for a diagnosis and she tells you there's "nothing wrong with you"

Dis-ease is a pretty accurate word; something is off. It starts out subtly -   vibrationally -  then the body is said to manifest  that "disease."

The good news is that you have many hints about it before then

When you even the smallest, gentlest focus on your chakras, with the intent to balance your chakras, you can balance easily.

Balanced chakras are feel like bliss, harmony, balance, calm.


...and Chakras can be easily rebalanced



How does yoga balance chakras?

Asana aligns Chakras even more powerfully than bodies.

And as the asanas bring the body into physical alignment, they are also aligning each chakra.


How does meditation balance chakras?

As meditation quiets the mind, negative energy is withdrawn from the chakras. Meditation balances chakra energy by cessation of what throws if off balance. (hot yoga is a 90-minute fully-aware open-eyed meditation)


How does journaling balance chakras?

Journaling is a way of releasing stagnant energy in the chakras...if you simply keep your pen moving on the page, energy moves from emotion to expression in a fluid movement without interference from your "thinking mind" and this can remove stagnant energy in the chakras.

Let's practice feeling, enjoying, balancing the chakras and benefiting your life.

Entries in Chakras (3)


Chakra 3 Manipura: Your Personal Power

Manipura is the seat of your personal power. 

The energies of Manipura are focused on self, specifically self-esteem. Manipura is where personality develops and ego resides. It is the intuitive chakra where we receive “gut feelings.”

  • Focus: Power, Energy
  • Color: Yellow
  • Seed Sounds: Ram
  • Sense Organ: Eyes
  • Associated sense: Sight


  • Chamomile – eases tension, promotes a “sunny” disposition
  • Bergamot – helps release stagnant energy
  • Juniper – good for emotional balance
  • Ginger – helps aid the digestive tract
  • Peppermint – balanced manipura energy



  • Topaz – encourages confidence
  • Citrine – assists in leaving no stone unturned
  • Amber – brings happiness in the realm of relationships
  • Sunstone – encourages you to see the “sunny” side
  • Adventurine Quartz – boosts well-being
  • Calcite – helps develop trust and motivation

Incense: Sandalwood, Nag Champa, and Dragon’s Blood

Food: Spices to build fire; black pepper, cayenne, ginger, cloves, tumeric, melissa. Seeds to cool excess fire: fennel, anise, cumin, flax seed, sunflower seeds. Complex carbohydrates (support fire); rice, oats, millet, pasta, bread, muesli.

The physical body: liver, stomach, small intestine, digestive system, gall bladder, skin, muscles, pancreas,  middle spine, and adrenals

If you are experiencing a blocked manipura chakra you could be overly concerned with what others think, fearful of being alone, insecure and in need of constant reassurance, feeling judgmental.  


  • Digestive problems, eating disorders, feeling like a victim, or experiencing low self-esteem can all be indications of a deficient third chakra.
  • Perfectionism, anger, hatred, and too much emphasis on status and recognition reveal an excessive unbalanced third chakra.  


  • Positive sense of self, energetic, warm, flexible, self-respect, confidence, ethical behavior, respect for others, ability to take risks, responsible, optimistic, ability to handle life’s challenges.
  • Going gently into backbends can cool off the belly’s fire as calming agents for third chakra.
  • Gaining confidence comes naurally from flexing your third chakra. Confidence comes in Toe Stand, kicking harder in Dandayamana Janushirasana or Dandayamana Danurasana, stretching to the max in Ustrasana;  for others, it might simply be getting to their first hot yoga class.
  • Pavanamuktasana, Arda Masyendrasana twisting and Kaphalbhati breath are all helpful.



Any yellow foods- Lemons, bananas, corn and butternut squash - help balance your Manipura. This is delicious way to eat more yellow squash 

Credit for this recipe goes to Heidi Templeton, hot yoga teacher and chef of the chakras


1 butternut squash

cup of cooked black beans

1 cup corn

Small onion, diced

3 cloves garlic, minced

1 yellow or red bell pepper, diced

1 bunch green onion

1/2 teaspoon cumin

1/2 teaspoon chili powder

1/2 teaspoon fennel

1/2 teaspoon turmeric

Vegan pepper jack cheese

Cilantro, salsa, and /or avocado for topping


Preheat oven to 375 F.

Halve and seed your squash, and then hollow out each side just enough to form a shallow boat. Brush the squash with some coconut oil and roast with the meaty side facing down for 30-40 minutes.

Meanwhile, sauté your onions and garlic in a pan until slightly brown. Add bell peppers and spices, and sauté for about 5 minutes or so. Add beans and corn and green onions then stir. Sauté a few minutes longer and remove from oven and stuff it with your filling. Top with vegan cheese or other topping, return to oven for about 5-10 minutes.



Chakra location: approximately 2” above the navel

HOT YOGA POSES FOR MANIPURA: Focus on Manipura Chakra when in these hot yoga poses and see what you feel


Pranayama Breathing for Manipura: be aware of taking deep belly breaths and bringing prana into your digestive organs (liver, pancreas, spleen),  the organs associated with the solar plexus chakra.

Kapalbhati breath for Manipura: forcefully snapping your stomach inward every time you exhale, the location of your solar plexus chakra, an inch above the navel, will activate this chakra.





Chakra 4 Anahata: The Heart of All Things

Anahata is the chakra at the heart of you.

As the middle chakra of 7, Anahata links the lower and upper chakras. The heart chakra allows you to feel love, compassion and a deep sense of peace. The heart chakra is related to balance in relationships, balancing self and others resulting in a peaceful, balanced life.

  • Focus: Love, Relationships
  • Color: Green
  • Seed Sound: Yam
  • Sense Organ: Skin
  • Associated sense: Touch



  • Bergamot – assists with grief, boosts joy
  • Lavender – emotional balance, calming
  • Eucalyptus – awakens the heart
  • Lilac – promotes forgiveness
  • Rose – enhances compassion
  • Neroli – strengthens connection between heart and mind



  • Rose Quartz – helps with empathy and to receive understanding
  • Boji Stones – Male and female stones that work together to heal a broken heart
  • Malachite – Facilitates patience to resolve issues of love
  • Emerald – helps restore beauty, attracts love
  • Ruby – gives you courage on a date
  • Green Jasper – facilitates feelings of being loved

Incense: Meadowsweet, Nag Champa, Orris Root

Foods: Green tea, green leafy vegetables such as spinach, kale and dandelion greens. Air vegetables such as broccoli, cauliflower, cabbage and celery. Leafy spices such as basil, sage, thyme, cilantro, and parsley.

The physical body: heart, circulatory system, lungs, ribs, diaphragm, breasts, shoulders, and arms.

Chakra location: center of the chest

If you notice yourself sitting with your head forward, shoulders rounded and chest collapsed, do poses to open your heart chakra

When the heart chakra is deficient, you may experience feelings of shyness and loneliness, an inability to forgive, or a lack of compassion.

Physical symptoms can include shallow breathing, asthma, and lung diseases.

Asanas that enliven the heart chakra include: Ustrasana, Supta Vajrasana, Dandayamana Danurasana, Danuraasana, even Tadasana.

The heart chakra naturally yearns to release and let go. Doing backbends develops trust and surrender we need to open the heart fully.

In many backbending poses, the heart is positioned higher than the head. It’s wonderfully refreshing to let the mind drop away from the top position and lead with the heart.

Some signs that the heart chakra is overpowering your life can include co-dependency, possessiveness, jealousy, heart disease, and high blood pressure.

The most powerful way to open, energize, and balance the heart chakra is to love ourselves. Love is the greatest healer.

In yoga practice, remembering what we love and appreciate as we practice fourth chakra asanas enhances the power of the poses.


Balanced: unconditional love, self-love, accepting, ability to forgive, to be content, peaceful, compassionate, caring.



Pranayama breathing 

the deeper the breath/ lifting and opening the chest, the more opening of your heart chakra.


side bends force energy out of the side channels and back into the central channel overall, especially the Heart Chakra


When you are stretching forward/leading with your chest, the location of your heart chakra, this pose will balance the energy of the heart chakra


Your heart –if done correctly – is pounding after this pose. You are focusing energy on your heart chakra.


In this pose, you are lifting your chest upward the entire time, leading with the power of the heart chakra.


pushing your chest up and out focuses on the heart chakra


pushing your chest up and out focuses the energy of the heart chakra


stretching your chest up and out very dramatically here, focusing your energy on waking up and clearing stuck energies in the heart chakra


one of the two biggest heart opening poses, this pose focuses completely on opening your heart chakra from the front of your body. There is no holding back in this pose; you are completely pulling open the locks on your heart chakra. If you feel dizzy, lightheaded, nauseous, teary or emotional during or after this pose, know that your heart has just opened and released old wounds. Congratulations.


 the second of the two biggest heart opening poses, this pose also opens your heart chakra from its locks located around the back of your body, again relaxing the side channels that loop around the heart and releasing their hold on your heart chakra




Chakra 6 Ajna: Third Eye Open

Ajna: the big picture to live life intuitively

Ajna Chakra opens your psychic faculties. Conceptually, this chakra is about “seeing” the spiritual;  it governs psychic vision, inner knowledge, and inspiration.

Focus: Intuition

Color: Indigo

Seed Sound: Om


Sense Organ: The Eyes

Associated sense: Insight


Essential Oils:

Lemon – cleanses the third eye

Juniper – Helps relieve tension and nervousness, clarifies inner vision

Rosemary – clears your thoughts

Lavender – harmonizes all the chakras, relieves stress and anxiety

Neroli – relieves depression

Geranium – has a harmonizing effect on the mind

Crystals & Gemstones

Amethyst – helps raise spiritual awareness

Tiger’s Eye – helps thread relevant information

Sodalite – frees you from preconceived notions, opens mental horizons

Sugilte – helps maintain our point of view despite pressure or conflict

Azurite – facilitates astral travel

Angelite – facilitates communication with the spiritual realm

Jet – repels nightmares

Selenite – aids in telepathic contact

Incense: Frankincense resin, Sandalwood

Foods: Fasting or other forms of detoxification, consuming water, fruit juices and eating juicy fruits, organic foods, and dark chocolate.

The physical body: governs the eyes, neck, pituitary and pineal glands, forehead, side and back of head and carotid plexus.

Chakra location: Above the eyebrows in the center of the forehead


Ajna chakra is involved in both the creation and perception of art with a powerful impact.

When the third eye is excessive with too much or blocked energy, we experience headaches, hallucinations, nightmares, and difficulty concentrating.

When this chakra is deficient, we have a poor memory, experience eye problems, have difficulty recognizing patterns, and can’t visualize well.

As a yoga teacher, we guide students to focus on a present-moment, fully engaged experience which supports Ajna chakra: no distractractions. After class, profound insights often come because Ajna vision is directed more deeply inside.

Positive images and visualizations in Savasana create a healthy Ajna chakra. Affirmative feelings draw the imagined into your life.

Balanced Characteristics: Strong intuition, ability to visualize and manifest, greater vision of your purpose, creative imagination, good memory, development of psychic gifts, good dream recall.

Hot Yoga Poses that Support Ajna Chakra:


6th chakra (third eye chakra) Anja: You are massaging your pituitary gland, the gland correspondening to your 6th chakra.


6th chakra (third eye chakra) Ajna: massaging your pituitary/pineal gland as you press on it physically and bring circulation to these glands associated with 6th chakra balance.

Janushirasana with Paschimotthanasana 

6th chakra (third eye chakra) Ajna:  massage your pituitary gland, the gland associated with your 6th chakra, as you press forehead to knee.


Meditation for Ajna Chakra
