Chakra 5 Vissudha: Speaking Your Truth
Vissudha Chakra, located in the throat, is the center of communication where you develop your voice and speak your truth.
It is directly linked to your personal integrity, your power of choice and your expression of creativity. Its related element is ether with its symbolic color of sky blue. Ether also governs breath, prana, life force. Visshuddha supports your unity with all things, and it governs clairaudience.
Focus: Communication
Color: Blue
Seed Sound: Ham
Sense Organ: Ears and Mouth
Associated sense: Hearing and Speech
Essential Right: To Speak
Essential Oils: Can be used in bath or specified oil burner prior or during meditation
Bergamot – facilitates the ability to express the truths that arise in your heart
Chamomile – allows you to voice the truth calmly
Eucalyptus – aids in rejuvenating creativity
Tea Tree – releases creative energy that helps you reach your potential
Peppermint – assists you in making ethical choices
Frankincense – helps you feel more secure and confident
Sandalwood – boosts confidence
Crystals & Gemstones
Turquoise – improves communication and clarifies intuition
Aquamarine – reduces stress and helps creativity
Amazonite – increases pychic abilities
Lapis Lazuli – acts as a natural antidepressant, raises self-esteem
Flourite – cuts through woolly thinking, assists in the completion of projects
Blue Calcite – fosters trust
Chrysocolla – facilitates stability and serenity
Incense: Myrhh, resin
Foods: Natural sweeteners; raw honey and fruit juices. Liquids in general; water herbal teas. Tree growing fruits; apples, pears, plums, peaches and apricots. Purifying herbs; horehound, slippery elm, salt and lemongrass.
Physical body: neck, throat, esophagus, ears, mouth, vocal cords, trachea, jaw, shoulders, teeth, tongue, cervical spine, thyroid, and hands.
Chakra location: Throat
The rhythm of music, dance, singing, and communication through writing and speaking are all fifth chakra expresions.
Visuddha means “pure” or “purification.”
Some yogis notice that drinking more water and letting go of tobacco and dairy helps to loosen up the neck and shoulders and clear the voice of Visshuda.
Singing, reading poetry aloud, scripting all support vibrations and rhythms positively affect your body, down to the cellular level.
Deficient Visshuda chakra leads to neck stiffness, shoulder tension, teeth grinding, jaw disorders, throat ailments, an underactive thyroid, and a fear of speaking.
Excessive Visshuda energy leads to excessive talking, an inability to listen, hearing difficulties, stuttering, and an overactive thyroid.
Depending on the ailments, neck stretches and shoulder opener asanas, including Camel Pose and Pranayama can aid the fifth chakra.
Balanced Characteristics: You communicate articulately, are a good listener, have a good sense of rhythm, creativity, discover your vocation/career, have integrity and are non-judgemental
Pranayama breathing
breathing deeply, expanding your lungs and exhaling through your mouth focuses energy on your throat.
tucking your chin into the throat chakra also activates your thyroid and parathyroid glands, the glands associated with the 5th chakra
Again, tucking your chin firmly into the spot between your collarbones where your throat chakra is located, as well as your thyroid and parathyroid glands, the glands associated with the 5th chakra become activated, balanced, healthy with blood flow
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