Welcome to The Riverflow Yoga Quick Guide to Key Moments in each hot yoga Asana. These are AHA moments I personally discovered over 40 years and continue to experience in my own practice of the poses. Because sometimes, the smallest adjustments make the biggest difference.
Because why should you wait 40 years to find these gems?
Consider this Guide a handy companion to the Hot Yoga Master Book where you will find highly detailed descriptions of each asana plus common mistakes and extended benefits.
This is your little book of insights, asana shorthand designed to open your body and heart to the nuances that instantly align you, body mind and spirit.
Soon you will be guiding your students with these tips which are all contained within your scripts; at Riverflow we believe in taking the quickest route to hot yoga bliss - and then showing others the way.
Peace and power are held within these poses and in practice of the Hot 26 series as we teach them, at Riverflow Yoga.