Hot Yoga Topics > Fixing Problems
When I first started in business, I used to sweat the bills each month; and just the right amount of money would come every time, but always at the last minute. Looking back, I realize I got what I expected: "I just want enough to pay the bills." Now I've been focusing on the abundance I really do want; I've stopped focusing on the bills completely and "where is the money going to come from." I have a Play Jar - an amount I set aside each time money comes in that I make a rule to spend on things that I would buy if money was no object. When I do, money keeps showing up from unexpected sources. Could focusing on the problem BE the problem? If you get what you focus on, wouldn't anaylzing problems bring of those problems - and, ignoring the problem, saying and imagining the opposite, or just forget it and go party instead,- attract solutions? This is SO not what we've been taught - WTF! - but for me, it works.
Rhonda, it seems like you've been thinking a lot about education!
You're touching on the contention between what we're taught and what we learn through experience. But I don't think they have to occupy different corners of our beings. Rather, we must become savvy users of ALL our knowledge, while continuing to attract and learn more. This is what living is about, taking what we know and applying it to what we don't know and learning more along the way.
Approaching every problem as an experience may take the 'problem' out and re-frame it as something that will bring more - more solutions, more benefits, more fun!
Oh, and there's no fixing! It's all doing - and yes, according to our points of attraction, it's about doing the opposite to allow for the opposite of a problem to manifest - a solution!
I agree: there's nothing broken and nothing to fix with ourselves or anyone else. And yes, problems and solutions are such different vibrations that its impossible to see solutions when you're focused in problems. But then, why do you suppose we're taught to think/analyze/face our problems instead of ignoring them and just feeling better?
I've always found money to be a source of stress like a security I couldn't attain. I've worke hard at jobs and saved thousands then lost it all and found at the end of the day it wasn't the money that made me happy. I wonder what fixes problems. I want abundance but I have no degree I work from one place to the other. I'm in school and doing a billion other things. How can I create this abundance through work I love on time that honors me?
Interesting point about money, Alex. The political scientist in me wants to bring out my Marx and Engles and start a discussion on the means of production! But the bottom line is really defining what a problem is. It sounds like in your case, money isn't a problem, it's just an obstacle. I believe you're finding abundance in the things that can't be taxed or put on your 1040 form. But rather, your problem is the final question you posed: what can I do that honors me? That seems to be the problem worth solving - and it's not going to cost you a dime.
Money, like everything else, is empty of any meaning of its own; it takes on the meaning you give to it. If you stress about it, money is stress. If you enjoy it, money can be freedom. We all have some pretty messed up root beliefs about money being "the root of all evil." I find money to be a source of fun and joy. Alex, to me it sounds like your last question is one for your Universe List. Let her figure out the details; you're asking for abundance from meaningful work that makes good use of your time on earth. Clearly stated! Asked, and answered, all in good time (!). Now go off and do something that makes you feel abundant and-joyful (like buying cups of coffee anonymously for people who look like your Grandpa). Money can be leverage for creating a state of joy. Don't discount it's value to enhance your life.
As to what fixes problems - I would say that it's not fixating on problems. which according to the Law, can only attract more problems to you! In fact - ignore your problems. Ignore your worry about money, ignore whatever seems to be going wrong in your life, and especially ignore all sentences that start with "but" (" I want abundance but I have no degree). Ask for the solutions and then truly relax, to allow them in. The fix to problems is to put yourself in the place of solutions - any good-feeling place will do. So - am I saying to ignore/deny your problems? You betcha. What do you think of that?
I think that's very different from anything I have ever heard of before... Like a foreign object. I do find though that my brain will usually create my reality for me. And my thoughts are not as real as I thought they were. That was a Go Me moment.
Actually your thoughts are very real - but nothing to be afraid of because you can choose them and change them anytime.
As Abraham explained through Esther, beliefs are just a series of thoughts, and if you change your thoughts, you change your beliefs. And furthermore, if you can change your beliefs, you can change your circumstances. Which means your thoughts are 100% real and 100% you.
So it's your thoughts that create all problems and all "fixes;" and if you don't tend to your thoughts first, no amount of action will make a difference.
Not exactly what we've been told; we're taught to DO something, take action, make a To Do List and check things off, dont put off til tomorrow what you can do today...which is a little like chasing your tail. Align your thoughts and only take action when you feel inspired.
Excellent point, Rhonda. This is one of the glories of procrastination - you get stuff done when you feel inspired. (Thanks for providing the link to that information.)
So often procrastination is looked down upon as lazy or careless. Where in fact things that are done immediately are more careless...I've only had a few cases of procrastination in my life where things turned out badly. It's mostly the quick, mindless things that I say or do that explode in my face. I am definitely learning the value of 'give me a moment, I'll get to when I do.'
Yay for you Kristina. Procrastination is NOT a problem you have to fix, though all the "how to succeed" books still miss this point! If you trust yourself and trust your Universal Manager, procrastination is how you feel when it's time to, "lay low for now, we're still cooking this for you." When I am tempted to "push to get it done," I always ask myself, how would I feel if this was already completely worked out...if I had my floodgates of abundance open right now, now would I FEEL?" (Whereas most people ask "what would you DO if you had a $Million?) First I feel the feeling - and then I take action...or NO action! How you feel will always guide you to the actions that will be most efficient, productive, fun and successful - and that's what it's all about. And PS - If you'd rather not "defend" yourself for procrastinating, or napping, or having a lazy day, don't talk about it! When your friends notice how calm AND successful you are, they'll want to know all about your secrets for "fixing problems. "
I love this new way of thinking and am looking forward to practicing and mastering it! It is human nature, my nature, to focus on the problem. In hindsight though, I have used this technique in the past to some degree. 8 years or so ago,I left my ex husband with two high school aged daughters. I wasn't getting any child support and I really had no clue how I was going to afford to live and support them. I remember being advised to make a budget. I knew that my income did not meet my expenses, so I decided that doing that would only bring me stress. That would be like focusing on the problem. Some said it would be being realistic. Instead I decided to trust the Universe, or God. I would be as responsible as I knew how to be with money, and trust that ends would meet. They did. Looking back, my bills were higher at that time in my life than any other, with extra bills like orthodontist etc. Thats my story.
Beautiful story Kim...and thats how its done! Focus away from what you dont want and, especially when things look bleak, trust in what you do want: everything can work out as you WANT, not as you planned.
About that "realistic" thing; most people are taught to "face realty" before they are taught they they are creating reality! It's not human nature to worry: its just backwards thinking that can easily be changed. You're about to.
I'm all for changing the backwards thinking! Just being in this teacher training for a short time I am already seeing how my thinking can change my life. I really already knew it, but now I can really learn just exactly how to go about this new thinking!
I have a friend who says, (and she's very passionate about it!), " If you have a problem and you're thinking and thinking and thinking about it from every direction, all you've done is thought about it! Chances are you now feel worse because you are living in the problem! The best thing you can do is go out and do something! Do something nice for yourself, or help somebody else. Call someone and ask them how THEY are doing! Move away from the problem." I've heard her say it many times, so I know it by heart. Still, a reminder is always good!
Smart friend, Kim... and smarter you for attracting her into your life.
When you are thinking and thinking and thinking about it from every direction you have not just thought about it from every direction: you have solidified it in your life. You get what you focus does that make you feel about focusing on your problems?
Think about what you DO want, not what you DON'T want. Ignore what you want to rid your life of and poof... it will go away.
Learning NOT to focus on what I dont want. Not as easy as it sounds! It is taking awareness, lots of that , and practice. When a thought comes in with a not so good feeling, I'm practicing replacing it with a really good feeling thought! This is a work in progress! I feel like the minute I started reading these new concepts, my life took a turn in a new, more joyous direction. The joy is in the journey, right?!
Kim, replacing it with a good feeling thought is GREAT - and sometimes your access to a better feeling thought can be challenging. One that works for me 100% of the time: "I dont have to think about this right now." You can ignore the bad thought for now ...and for now...and for now....and will defuse a bit at a time.
I'm at work right now at Grounds For Sculpture.....I work in Guest Services and occasionally help any entertainers we have for the day get to their areas and move large equipment.....usually I'm the only one here so I naturally take some kind of charge and let them know if they have any questions to come see me.
Today we have a really cool event of 17th and 18th Century Musicians around the park (is this cool to anyone else?) and the women who is actually in charge of Entertainers and Events is here doing the job that I usually do of greeting and guiding them....
As usual though I was helping people out carrying Harps and Harpsichords and holding doors for cello players and things like that while still making sure everything was alright in guest services....
At one point she came up to me and relieved me of this duty explaining that she was in charge for the event and would take care of things....she seemed very apologetic about it and greatly appreciated the help I was giving....I think she thought I was going to take it personally and my ego would be shot a little with the denial of her help....
But sometimes people don't need or want our help and I am very good at letting go responsibilities to let someone else....perhaps even someone better then I, there to help in a situation....
My phones on and I let her know I'll be there if she needs me but now I can relax and perhaps even enjoy the moment and music as the work of putting on the event is passed on to someone else....
You will learn this as a hot yoga teacher as well Mark: sometimes the kindest thing you can do for others is let them solve their own situations - this is the ONLY way they get to see that Yes, they CAN...just as you are learning in your I Cant/I can challenge.
If you step in and solve things without being asked, you are actually robbing people of their self empowerment opportunity.
Same in hot yoga. As teachers we correct when we see imminent danger - but we DO NOT offer props, aids, or even personal corrections to specific students that would necessitate breaking the flow of class to help them"get it right." YOu stand firm repeat the directions and they will RISE to meet your instructions because....they CAN. They just didnt know it till you insisted.
I think there are many great points raised here. I feel like so many problems that we try to fix are not really our's to fix. I know for myself that I am a people pleaser, and I love to see people that I love succeed. Sometimes this desire for others to succeed places a large burden upon myself. I want to fix everything, but somethings simply do not need to be "fixed" nor are they my problems to "fix." I tend to compromise my morals and expectations when I try to help people, and in the end I end up not helping the person and hurting myself. I guess It is really important to weigh out the pros and cons of helping, determine if the problem is yours to even fix, and evaluate whether or not it is truly an issue that will have monumental impact if one were to just let it play out.
Great points, Brittany. Here's another: what if there literally was nothing to fix - if everything was working out in the best possible way for everyone concerned - and if you could simply make the focus of your life making yourself happy, knowing that your HAPPINESS is the biggest contribution you make to others and to the expansion of all that is?
What if "fixing" was just a misunderstanding that everything really is always working out for everyone...and what if that misunderstanding was the reason for your pain?
This is the basis of all misunderstandings: the one between you and You.
There is a larger part of you that is connected to the constant flow of well being...the one that knows that all is well. When you see things as anything other than fine, the gap between you and You is what causes your pain.
It has nothing to do with anyone else, ever.
The work is always with yourself - but not to fix yourself; you're not broken either! It's Just to connect you with You.
Make sense?
I always wanted to help others and believed that, if I put my mind to the problem, I could; but most of time, more problems showed up. I even noticed it with my own problems: I might fix one, but two more took in its place. Are problems never-ending? Or is there a problem solving technique that wards off more problems?