Yoga Philosophy > Do You Believe in Miracles?
After reading this book multiple times, I've come to believe in the "reality" of these miracles, by way of the Abraham-Hicks philosophy, which says that reality consists of the stories we tell ourselves. If a belief is merely a story I've told myself over and over, and a belief becomes true by attaching meaning to it, then Lahiri Mahasaya's ability to materialize at will doesn't seem so far fetched (especially as a Kriya yoga master, someone who has ultimate control of yoga consciousness).
My miracle of the week was being able to create my own reality for an evening - determined to keep myself in a better feeling state, I wrote down exactly what I wanted to happen starting with "wouldn't it be lovely if..." and was able to relax and feel happy about the possibility. Without trying or worrying or forcing it, everything happened exactly as I had wished it!
Just started this book the other night and read a few pages. I wondered if it was true or if Yogananda was taking liberty with his story. But after a few more chapters the next morning I'm thinking these things did happen. Although I am a believer in 'amazing' I had forgotten that I DO believe in miracles...So yes Rhonda, I had a miracle today and it's that I'm starting to remember. And interestingly Carly, I've started reading 'Ask and It is Given' which is giving me my memory back:)
Interesting discussion on miracles! One of the most miraculous places I've lived has been Indonesia, which has a long history of Hinduism, especially in Bali, where 95% of the inhabitants practice. What I found in the first four chapters was what I had experienced in Indonesia, things happen that you can't explain! There are spirits and people who can communicate with spirits and those who believe in spirits. What is so enticing about Yogananda's story is that he can bring this perspective to the west and provoke a similar communion of saints in the rest of us.
As we are seeing in both of the books, there are spirits around us that take many different forms and support us in a variety of ways, and we are always loved.
For me, miracles come into focus when I look back at challenges I faced in my life, things I thought I didnt want, and saying."Wow - that really was for the best." 10 years ago I was selling my house in Marlboro and buying a big old house in Freehold - but my buyer backed out on closing day and left me holding the bag. I didnt buy the house in Freehold and it took years more to sell in Marlboro - and as a result I moved here. If that buyer had showed up, I'd be living in Freehold in a house worth less than half what I paid...and would not have Riverflow Yoga. I'm not waiting to say, "It's all good," especially when things "go wrong." I pretend its years in the future and I'm looking back ,seeing the miracle. In that view, they're all miracles.
This has been an emotional week. My dad passed just over a month ago and he was so very important in my life. My sisters and I cleaned out his home this past week...which was extra hard as our mom passed 2 yrs ago and there was still some of her stuff to go through. The trash workers overlooked his house on pick up day which was Tuesday. This never happened before. They picked up everyone else's on both sides of him and up and down the was obvious his was missed, but like his was "invisible" to them. My sister called and they apologized and said they'd be out on Thursday for pick up. That gave us two more days to put out TONS of stuff. Not only bags and bags of trash, but great things for people to take. It was a huge gift for us as we accomplished so much more than we would have in that short time. Felt like a little miracle to us...
May 17, 2013 | katarena
This has been an emotional week. My dad passed just over a month ago and he was so very important in my life. My sisters and I cleaned out his home this past week...which was extra hard as our mom passed 2 yrs ago and there was still some of her stuff to go through. The trash workers overlooked his house on pick up day which was Tuesday. This never happened before. They picked up everyone else's on both sides of him and up and down the was obvious his was missed, but like his was "invisible" to them. My sister called and they apologized and said they'd be out on Thursday for pick up. That gave us two more days to put out TONS of stuff. Not only bags and bags of trash, but great things for people to take. It was a huge gift for us as we accomplished so much more than we would have in that short time. Felt like a little miracle to us...
May 17, 2013 | katarena
I believe in miracles! I am one! I can think back over the many times in my life and in the lives of those around me when the inexplicable happened!
Aimee - can you share one with us here? Miracles are so inspiring!
Miracles can absolutely happen... after being married for about 6 months I found out I was 3 months pregnant. Now I had taken pregnancy tests and all came up negative til I was about 3 months in(I of course found that out after I went to the doctor). I had my son and everything was fine healthy baby boy! Now I had always said I would never have children, just was never interested in them. My mom would tell you that, the fact that I have a baby was a miracle in itself. But shortly after he was born I also discovered that I have PCOS. This disorder makes it very hard to have kids. This really makes me feel as though my son was an absolute miracle! We weren't trying and definitely was not planned, and apparently I should not have been able to get pregnant. But I have a beautiful baby that I am able to kiss every night. I think sometimes we even receive miracles that we didn't know we needed.
Yes I agree Rebecca... We ask fornehat we want and sometimes the answer comes in a way we didn't plan or foresee and it turns out to be the best way. Seeing it that way - that we are always receiving what we asked- is a miracle
As I began reading Autobiography of a Yogi, I believed every work. It wasn't until I read your first post, I questioned the words. I thought for a little and read some of the other entry's and went back to my original belief that I do believe the stories. They make be happy and hopeful and curious and I want to keep reading.
I most certainly believe in miracles. There have been many miracles I have experienced in my life and they have to do with my personal growth and evolution. I look back at the significant points in my life and what I had to deal with and realize those times were for a reason. I use to wish some things away when I was growing up but I know I also used to say to myself, that if I can get through these years then I can get through anything. And speaking to myself that way (or talking to God as I was doing) surely has enabled me to be in the place I am today.
Nice Lisa...would you be willing to share with us some of the miracles you have experienced in your life?
And I have a question for you: what if those things you use to wish away - those things you thought you had to "get through"to get to better times - were the best of times? Looking back at them, is there a way to see them with appreciation: NOT for enabling you in the future, but to notice the miracles they were in that moment?
As I read the beginning chapters in this book, one of the things I couldn't stop thinking about was whether these miracles actually happened, or if Yogananda was taking liberties with his story telling. Lisa, I think it's really great that you didn't question that as you were reading!
Another thought I had was that I believe miracles happen all the time, but in very different ways than in this book. I have never seen someone be in two places at once or make me smell like roses, but I think "smaller" miracles happen all the time. One thing that happens pretty regularly to me is that I'll be missing a friend or family member and wanting badly to talk to them and BAM! Right at that moment they give me a call. No, they haven't materialized in front of me, but they're there right at the moment that I need them.
Chrissy.. there's nothing small about your fact consider that in modern day terms, having someone call you at the exact moment you are thinking about them or needing them IS having them materialize at your call! There were no phones or Internet in Yoganandas time so physical materializations may have been the only conceivable way to "call" someone.
Your miracles are as large as you decide they are... but perhaps the real miracle is that such occurrences are not unusual: having what you need and want at all times is natural
And is your birthright as much as it was for Yogananda.
Chapters 1 - 2: There are many miracles in the pages of this book - "the great Lahiri Mahasaya who is able to materialize himself at will," and make cameras not register his image unless he wanted them to; Yogananda who could make kits float do him and make boils appear and disappear; the mystical amulet that foretold of Mukunda's destiny as a great yogi before his birth. Do you think these really happened? Any little or big miracles in your life this week?