Hot Yoga Experiences > Your Hot Yoga Experiences

Let's share our favorite good, bad and ugly hot yoga experiences...come on, we all have them!

November 26, 2012 | Registered CommenterRhonda Uretzky, E-RYT

On one of my first visits to Riverflow...back in March 2012 as a meet-up with another yoga teacher, Marilyn. I remember thinking and feeling...Wow, people pay for this. This is torture. Now, I can't wait to go to hot yoga. I just love everything about it. The sweat, the pushing to my edge, gaining strength and resolve, feelings of empowerment, feelings of joy, sense of community and building of my core. Nothing quite like Riverflow's delivery of Hot Yoga. Thanks to a wonderful group of teachers. Namo. Jane

November 26, 2012 | Unregistered CommenterJaneC

I remember my first time in Uttasana, I honestly have never been so close to my body in any sort of way like that. I felt like I was giving myself a bear hug. I love the focus I get from a hot yoga class. It quiets my mind like nothing else and when I leave I feel like a brand new person.

November 29, 2012 | Unregistered CommenterAlexS

Ok, some ugly! I have farted a few times in class, eek!!

The real benefit of yoga for me is the 'high' I feel outside of class! It seriously feels sometimes (actually a lot) that I have been smokin' or drinkin'! I am so high on this hot yoga, it is part of me now. Thank you for opening Riverflow Yoga, Rhonda!

March 25, 2017 | Registered CommenterLisa O'Rourke

Wooohooo for the shout out, Lisa, and for that full disclosure!

Zach told me that the studio he is managing in Seattle is so hot and humid that he is losing his shit after each class he teachers - not his temper, but literally bolting to the bathroom after class to avoid an accident

My daughter Carly and I attended a master class in NYC in a studio basement room with no windows that was so hot, not only were people dropping like flies, but Carly told me at one point she felt no control over her pee; she just resigned herself to the fact that she was going to lose it right there on the mat. She didnt - but no one would have noticed as half the class was passed out. I had to leave class to tend to a student in real distress (the teacher knew I was a teacher and asked me to help)

Some classes will be filled with wild experiences. I promise you will laugh over them - mostly.

March 25, 2017 | Registered CommenterRhonda Uretzky, E-RYT

Mine happened today. I was so determined to get my left leg wrapped around my ankle for eagle pose (the right side comes much more easy to me) that going into it, I sat back and flung my leg so hard around that I kicked my water bottle into the person next to me....Grace said softly "Wow...Dani, are you mad??" We all laughed!!

March 27, 2017 | Registered CommenterDani

Ah, an unexpected water break! And....did your leg wrap, Dani? Sometimes the laughter of a situation actually loosens you and suddenly you're into the pose with ease (ie, laughter gets you out of your own way)

March 27, 2017 | Registered CommenterRhonda Uretzky, E-RYT

I had a very moving experience during Guru with Stephanie. She is amazing, always encouraging to go deeper, test the boundaries, but without pushing. This time she encourage me to back into my elbows in Suptavajrasana. I always feel that my hips are not low enough so I never continue. This time i thought that I am on a floor and why not. So here I am carefully going backwards-can't really touch my head to the floor, just hanging there and then Stephany goes " don't be afraid, I have you" and gently touches my hand- I just started crying-I thought it might be opening in my hips that made me so emotional, but judging by the fact that I am tearing up as I righting this, It is a genius of a good teacher.

January 16, 2019 | Registered CommenterIrina

There is hardly a value that can be placed on a loving consider that your own Inner Being is your Inner Guru and always there for you!

January 16, 2019 | Registered CommenterRhonda Uretzky, E-RYT