Hot Yoga Experiences > Hot Yoga & Menopause
I would guess that, because so many of the poses have to do with balancing and regulating hormones, hot yoga would really help to manage the symptoms of menopause. It would be awesome if you could get your mom to come.
I cannot entice my own mom, so if you can get your mom on the mat, you have to tell me how it goes. Especially if she loves it--maybe she could recruit mine!
(I'm afraid that by second set of Awkward, she'd have already decided to disown me.)
Posted this before the Internet zapped: YES, YES, YES! Hot yoga helped my hot flashes. I was already practicing hot yoga 15 years before they started (age 55), and they were mild compared to what I had heard (I attribute this to hot yoga). In hot yoga class I wasn't sure if I was flashing or just sweating - but it felt GREAT! Mild flashes lasted about a year and honestly, it was no sweat (pun intended). There are hot yoga poses like Standing Separate Leg Forehead to Knee or Half Tortoise,that balance the pituitary, AKA Hormone Central, and thyroid (did you know 1 in 4 women has thyroid imbalance?). It sure worked for me.
I would say I am pre-menopausal and I would agree with Rhonda that Hot Yoga definitely helped with the hot flashes - what I have experienced to this point has been very mild. That is based on what I have read about premenopause and menopause as well as from what other women have told me. I have also noticed Hot Yoga has helped with the sleeplessness, not just beause it helped with night hot flashes but it helps me to fall asleep faster and stay asleep.
I'm not quite into menopause at this time, but knowing what my older sisters are and have been going through for years has me very scared! After reading what June and Rhonda have said my mind is a little bit more at ease since their hot flashes have been mild. When i do enter menopause I would welcome not knowing if i was flashing or sweating.
I can only imagine that hot yoga would do nothing but benefit the entire menopause process since it does balance out our hormones. Yes i did know that 1 in 4 women have thyroid imbalance, I was one of the 4!
I've been trying to convince my mom to try hot yoga! She is very skeptical, especially now, because she is going through menopause and major hot flashes. Does hot yoga relieve this/menopause? Examples/experiences?