Hot Yoga Experiences > hot yoga and nausea
Went back the next day and felt killer however. ;)
I have, although not so bad that I left the class. I found I just had to keep making myslelf lie down and sit out one of the 2 poses. After the class I thought about what I had to eat and realized I had something with a lot of sugar AND I did not hydrate enough before the class. To get through the class I kept sipping my water. I was better once I made it to the floor section. In my head I just kept thinking "floor, floor, floor".
Just had that last week on Thursday. It started early in the class and certain poses brought more dizziness like forward bends, triangle and most especially camel. Yet, listening to the teachers cues about what to expect might or might not happen and why (clearing toxins or working something out emotionally) helped me and also gave me permission to use savasana as a re-set position (standing or laying down). When the dizziness came on, I also noticed that all the other stuff I knew went out the breathing, and concentration/focus. Also, waiting for the most beautiful words when you're feeling like this, "AND CHANGE" seemed to keep me waiting indefinitely. And aaaaaahhhhh, CHANGE. Interesting choice of words to get us from one pose to another. ...CHANGE... Hummmm.
After I hear change, I actually do say to myself "Reset!" and let myself feel that fresh blood rushing through my body while it "resets" in savasana...sometimes this really helps especially in the standing/balancing series. One time I felt really nauseous...I think I was even too stubborn early on to take a pose off--I shifted all of my focus to the breath and I eventually calmed down. I listen to my body much more now. I’m glad Alex was able to recognize when things felt really wrong; and came back the next day and had an amazing practice.
I also have gathered that Alex runs a lot, and doing a hot yoga class on a day you do a big run can be extremely challenging... I don't know if it's the case for anyone else, but the classes in which I've struggled the most have come after doing 4+ miles in the same day--especially if there was another contributing factor, like too little sleep, etc.
Maybe someone has some good ideas about how to manage both? I've actually thrown in the towel on running for now (knees!!!), but would still be interested in how people manage...
Nausea is best handled by lying down - it calms everything in your body. Some people do have to throw up and then of course leave the room - but do come back. The "reset" suggestion is a great idea! And as always, hydrate, hydrate, hydrate; it will help everything including nausea. And have you heard of trace mineral drops? Just one drop in your water will help with nausea, too.
A typical reason for nausea after yoga exercises or before the exercise is that it is a indication of a harmful or overtaxed liver organ or gallbladder, and it is also a indication that the procedure of cleansing has began. Even if the diet plan of the person is right, poisons can be taken in from the air that is breathed in.
I had my first class recently where i did have to leave the room to throw up. I was really hungry and not well hydrated.......and also feeling very emotional. I'm learning that every class is very different.
No one loves throwing up (and we thank you for leaving the room to do so LOL) but honestly, don't you feel instantly better afterwards? Yes, being hydrated means a lot but sometimes your body cant wait for you to go the slow steady route to cleanse that toxin: it just wants you to have instant relief.
Thank goodness for puking, diarhea, and all other forms of instant karma.
I recently had a class where I thought I was going to throw up. Or cry. Or both. I did a lot of breath work and savasana. I know I was well hydrated before the class. I think this is something I needed to go through for a variety of reasons. I was a little panicky for a few minutes and it took a while to feel relief. At the second half of the class I felt so much better. I expect rough patches and challenges now, and approach my next class with the thought 'what am I going to learn about myself today?' It might just be 'learned how not to barf in class' but that's ok.
Purging; it don't always feel pretty but it's always for you best. It's a lot like choosing to let go of something that simply isn't serving you anymore. I recently learned that letting to is easy: it's holding on that is hard. Whether it's pulling or crying or saying goodbye to an old hurt, just let go. You'll wonder afterwards what all the holding on was about
Oftentimes vomiting has an emotional component to it - it's not always just physical. I remember clearly one time being very hurt by a situation and I immediately had to vomit. The emotion was just too overpowering, it overcame my body. The same may happen in hot yoga, where emotional bubblings and reactions are so much part of the practice - part of the amazing release and healing and benefits. So let the waves wash over you as they come, when they come...
This is so true Melina - and doesnt everyone feel better after vomiting? Everything unwanted comes up in one fell swoop - and that can be so much better than a long, painful cleanse. Celebrate the vomiting!
I have never had to vomit during class but there have been times in my life that I have had a reaction to something I ate or having motion sickness. The closest I came to vomiting during class is dking camel feeling totally nauseous getting into the pose... I feel like my struggles with nausea in camel started when I began TT . I feEl like the weeks I am on top of my assignments and work ,camel comes easilly and feels like an awesome release (almost like after vomiting ) but during the weeks that have felt soo busy and crazy the nausea comes on so easily like I just need to realease all the streSs at that point.
Danielle this is such an awakened observation: the Camel is not the cause but this beautiful pose is giving you a bullseye view into your state of overwhelm...Camel is all about releasing - overwhelm anxiety and other illusions that would have you believe that things are going wrong - and so your nausea in the pose is allowing you to see it long enough to choose: release and rid yourself of the illuston of overwhelm. Keeping that stress for yourself is just delaying the job getting done:. The Universe is waiting for your instructions. You never have to feel overwhelmed when you know you have so many resourceful Managers waiting at your beck and call, hoping day after day that you fill finally give in, throw up and hand over the chores you don't want to do and free yourself to do what you came here for: to enjoy those actions you want for yourself.
Stress is self imposed: throw it up already. Just like after you vomit, you'll feel better when you finally stop stuffing it down and just give it up all at once.
So the other day I left class early because I felt kind of well... sick. Like light headed and what not. This was right after awkward pose and still real early in the class and I tried to stick it out but I just had to leave. Does this happen to anyone else? Ever?